Reepchip Charatetet

23 Years (UFP calender) 30 Passings of the Sentinal's Eye (Carnora calender)
18 lbs
Ronjeer Spaceport, Agavan, Carnora Republic, Antevas System
Starfleet: Ensign
Carnora Space Forces: Engineer, Level 2 (CPCSS Five Thrones)
Carnora (Muran)


Reepchip was born on the moon Agavan, the innermost moon of Antevas A-b (also known as the Prince of Heaven). It is known for its strong volcanic activity, and spaceports are made to be mobile in case of eruptions in the area, but its proximity to the planet makes it a major launching point for gas-harvesting expeditions (mostly deuterium and helium).

Engineering and crafting is an honoured skill amongst the Murans, and Reepchip's skill at these things were encouraged by his parents. He also turned out to be something of a trickster, which is--within certain limits--also considered honourable. When he passed his manhood trials, he was enrolled in the Muransarak Academy on Carnor where he trained as an ship engineer. While there, he learned that the Carnora Pentarchy was seeking to continue the alliance that the Carnora Republic had with the Federation. As part of the deal, they would have an exchange program, and Reepchip became the student from the Carnora Pentarchy.

Reepchip did have an easier time of things than Ryramorl had. His tiny size did require certain special considerations--for example he had to have a custom uniform made for him, and some physical tests had to be altered, but he excelled in academics.

It didn't take long, though, for his trickster side to land him into trouble. Students in his area of the dorm soon learned to keep a close eye on their clocks after a few of them were wakened hours sooner than they'd intended. There were also complaints of school-issued PADDs suddenly displaying unfamiliar languages. Reepchip finally got caught when he tried to change the EMH's standard greeting from "Please state the nature of the medical emergency" to "What have you boneheads done to yourselves THIS time?" Reepchip was brought before a disciplinary board who decided if Reepchip had that much time on his hands, he needed more "mental stimulation" and was put in more and higher-level classes.

Reepchip had his paws full keeping up with all the new classes, but by the time his second year came around, the burden began to ease. He and a half-dozen friends founded what they called the "Madcap Engineering Cadets" with the motto, "'Why' is not a valid question." This group experimented with older and often unsuccessful technology. Before long, some members grew dissatisfied with their pointless experiments and the group agreed to reach out to the academy for ideas and actual projects to work on.

A Starfleet officer provided them with exactly what they asked for and even offered training in how to solve them. There was a caveat: They would take an oath of silence, and no-one else would be admitted to the group from then on. At first, the group were encouraged to find ways of accomplishing normal engineering tasks with increasingly limited supplies. Many of the projects they failed, but their overseer was patient with them and taught them how to see materials differently, focusing not on what they were designed to do, but what they could potentially do.

As time went on, the group began taking on projects requiring experimental technology, computer hacking, field engineering, forensic engineering and computing, and figuring out computers in different languages. The members soon grew suspicious—it was clear this officer was more than what he seemed. They tried to find out more about it, but were thwarted by the levels of security layered around the officer's file. Finally they confronted him, and he told them he was honing them for something more than an average Starfleet career, but refused to say anything more about it. When they graduated, most discovered the truth--the officer was grooming them for Starfleet Intelligence.

Reepchip did not enter Starfleet, but returned home in triumph, having done well in his field. Since he was newly graduated, he was made a Level 1 Engineer but got the prestigious posting of Engineer on the CPCSS Five Thrones: The official space ship of the Carnora OverKings.

One day, OverKing Rissa Jachekchek summoned him. He would accompany Ryramorl Ra'yral to Shadow Operations.


As a Muran, Reepchip is tiny but very agile, an excellent climber, and able to conceal himself quite well. His race's martial arts are heavily based on defence and avoidance, not attacking until the moment is right (which means he's very hard to hit). He also has extremely keen hearing and is capable of echolocation (this is mostly outdated in modern Carnora society, but the Muran military academies still teach it). Like almost all Murans (save those who are mute), he also has an extremely high-pitched shriek that Olverns and Atarans find very painful. This shriek is so high-pitched that it doesn't work on humans, though--at best, it causes some discomfort in the ears. Usarins can't hear it at all.