Ryramorl Ra'yral

43 Years (UFP calender) 56 Passings of the Sentinal's Eye (Carnora calender)
305 lbs
Ra'yral Plains, Kingdom of Olavaron, Carnor, Antevas System
Starfleet: Lieutenant
Carnora Pentarchy Special Forces: OverKing Bodyguard
Carnora (Olvern)


Ryramorl Ra'yral (his surname is his clan name) attended the Alronar Academy in the Carnora Republic. Near his graduation, the Alronar Academy did an exchange student program with Starfleet Academy as part of a plan from the Carnora government to establish stronger ties with the large and powerful United Federation of Planets; Ryramorl was the one chosen to go to Starfleet.

Naturally, he excelled in the physical training and did well academically but suffered a severe culture clash, as the Olvern's customs are far more primal (some might say barbaric) than other races that have achieved spaceflight. Major incidents included him transporting an animal native to his homeworld for the specific purpose of sacrificing it to his gods, seeking someone to be prey for a non-lethal hunt (a sport on his homeworld) and--most disturbingly--going berserk during a fight with his Andorian roommate.

This final incident would have jeopardized Ryramorl's time at the Academy, but he was visited in the brig by two Admirals he didn't recognize. They offered a deal: If he agreed to keep out of trouble from here on and join their organization upon graduation, and they would wipe his slate clean. Wanting to avoid disgrace, Ryramorl agreed.

A meeting between Starfleet Academy staff and members from Ryramorl's tribe revealed that the Carnora--unlike most UFP--did not shun berserk rages, and that Ryramorl was possibly near the height of his breeding cycle, which made him particularly prone. Ryramorl was given medicines to quell his urges and a regimen was created to help him control his rages.

The rest of his time at Starfleet Academy passed mostly without incident, and in his final year Ryramorl was made the Resident Assistant of his dorm (he was said to be the most fearsome RA that year).

Upon graduation, Ryramorl was called into a room with the two Admirals--who he learned were Sorvek and Eric Jaeger. He was taken for special training for Shadow Operations.

Ryramorl served on the Ticonderoga, then on Bravo Squad. Eric Jaeger's betrayal hit Ryramorl hard, as Jaeger had been the one who'd saved Ryramorl's starfleet career several years before. After the crisis with the Linea was over, Ryramorl returned to Carnor, so he and his mate Ry'ala'ara could raise their cubs and Ryramorl could recover mentally.

With his experiences in Shadow Operations, Ryramorl was drafted into the Carnora Republic Special Forces—and then the Carnora Republic began falling apart at the seams as the Atarans, Murans, and Usarins broke out in protest over Olvern rule. The Special Forces were tasked with quelling protests, only to be faced with what would become known as the Muransarak Uprising, in which massive armed demonstrations occured in every city in that province--and those protests only spread, leaving the special forces completely overwhelmed, especially as non-Olvern began talk of mutiny. Shor-Ghan decided the best thing to do to avoid a civil war he couldn't win was to surrender. His last act as President was to task the Special Forces to keep order while he met with the leaders of the protests.

Ryramorl helped keep order in his homeland as the Carnora Republic dissolved and transitioned to the Carnora Pentarchy, an empire in which all five Carnora races would govern equally.

The new Pentarchy was organized more along the lines of the Muran Council of Emperors from hundreds of years ago, including the provision of bodyguards to each monarch. As Ryramorl had become a personal friend of Shor-Ghan and was a member of the Special Forces, he was a natural choice as an Olvern bodyguard.

Then he got a message from Ian MacLeod, calling him back to service. Shor-Ghan, worried about mounting problems in the Federation, placed Ryramorl on special assignment to find out what was going on in the Federation.


Ryramorl is large and very strong. He has no problem using his claws and teeth in a fight; his martial arts have even trained him in the usage thereof. His training as a Special Forces member gives him some deductive and adductive skills. He has good hearing (his movable ears helps him pinpoint sounds) and a keen sense of smell.

As a Carnora, he also is prone to berserk rages. His tribe (like almost all Olvern tribes) have their own chant that one uses to work him or herself up to berserk rages; Ryramorl is also more prone to them during the height of his breeding cycle. Berserking is taken very seriously amongst Carnoras, and many tribes amongst the Olverns, Atarans, and Usarins have rituals in which members are taught to focus their rage on simple tasks that would normally be out of their capabilities. Ryramorl has a few holodeck simulations that help him keep up this control.