Shadow Operations: Resurrection
Season 1 Episode 2
Arrival At Starbase 450
Nov. 10, 2018

1st. Lt Daryl Thompson

Starfleet Intelligence HQ, San Francisco, Earth

Stardate 1811.08

Daryl sat in a chair in his apartment. He had been thinking about the message of Admiral McLeod all day. And he already had made up his mind. But there was a lot to ponder about. He would meet Jahkar again. They hadn’t been good friends...on the contrary. He was wondering how Dara would be doing. He had never seen her again after her transfer. The door opened, and Darva came in. She smiled as she saw Daryl. Daryl smiled back, but Darva saw something was going on.

She kissed him Hey. How was your day? Is something wrong?

Daryl sighed. I got a message from Admiral McLeod. He asks me to come to Starbase 450. He has an opportunity for me. He answered. Darva sat down as she thought about what Daryl said.

Did he say why Daryl shook his head. no, he didn’t. But he wants me to be there soon. I should embark on a freighter, the Zephyr, which leaves tomorrow in the afternoon.

A small silence fell. So far for our time together. Darva said, with a faint, but sad smile.

Daryl nodded. I guess so. But I will be back in a few days He looked at her. And we still have today and tomorrow. I have the day off tomorrow. So we do have some time together before I leave He pulled her across towards him. Would you come with me?

Darva looked at him. What do you mean?

Daryl looked at her I mean, when I do get back into doing missions again Darva shook her head I can’t just leave my current duty to come with you. I mean...I really do like you Daryl...and I am so glad you were still alive and that I found you...But we only just met. I can’t just leave everything behind because of that and a possible assignment you get. Even though it will be hard.

Daryl nodded. I guess you are right. he said. So let’s enjoy the time we still have...

The next day, 1400 hours.

Daryl stepped into the public transporter room, together with Darva. He turned towards her and and grabbed her gently by the waist. They kissed their last kiss, holding each other tight. Then Daryl stepped up to the transporter pad To the USS Zephyr please. The operator nodded and within seconds, Daryl was enveloped in the typical bluish swirl of energy...

Colonel Jahkar

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.07

Jahkar beamed aboard the USS Zephyr in Spacedock and stepped off the transporter pad, facing the officer manning the console.

Welcome aboard Colonel Jahkar, the officer said. Yeoman Tyson here will show you to your quarters.

An alarm chimed on the console and Transporter Chief Maxwell looked to Jahkar, If you’d like to wait a moment, your bunk mate is beaming aboard.

Jahkar nodded, not in a particular hurry. Bunk mate?

Travelling with you to Starbase 450, Maxwell smiled. Energizing.

He worked the transport controls and a shimmer pillar of light appeared on the pad, slowly taking the shape of a man. When he finally materialized, Jahkar looked to see who it was and had to take a step back in surprise.

Thompson! he gasped. I were dead!

Lt. Cody Beckett

Asteroid Station NCLM-345, Asteroid belt near Gamma Arcturis sector

Stardate 1811.09

Cody grabbed his last few things and put it in the duffel bag on his bed. The message from Admiral McLeod came right on time. It was time Cody left the company and went back to where he belonged: Starfleet. He was very curious about the ’opportunity’ the admiral had for him. He zipped up the duffel bag and left his quarter. The shuttle would land soon. He walked right up to the office of his father and walked in. Jerry and Sean were once more debating about courses of action. Cody shook his head. This was exactly why he had to leave. The continuous discUSSion, the stubbornness and hotheadedness of both brothers.

They both kept arguing, and Cody cleared his throat to interrupt them. They both looked up. Cody. Are you sure you wanna do this? we need you here Jerry started.

I made up my mind dad. Cody replied. No need to try and get it out of my head. If the opportunity doesn’t work out, I am going back to Starfleet anyway. I am done with the company for now. Cody glared at his uncle Sean. and you know exactly why. He looked back at his father. I just came to say goodbye and good luck His dad nodded. He hugged Cody. I understand son. Be safe, and let us know once in a while how you are doing I promise I will Cody replied. Then he looked at uncle Sean. Goodbye he just said.

Uncle Sean just looked away and grumbled something under his breath. With a last look at his father, he left the office.

Ten minutes later, he boarded the shuttle and threw his duffle bag on a seat and sat down next to it. Within minutes, the shuttle powered up, left the docking bay and steered clear of the asteroid field. Then it went to warp, on it’s way to Starbase 450.

Once aboard the Starbase, Beckett received a transmission: This is Commander Lanara Alantris, aide to Admiral MacLeod, a female voice responded. The admiral would like you to report to USS Fearless, docked at pylon S-64 at 1800 hours.

Lt. Commander Vala Preet

Talon-class scoutship

Stardate 1811.09

Vala sat in the cockpit with her feet stretched out in front of her. She imagined the hum of the warp engines, though no sound could be heard on the small ship. She was truly alone for the first time in what seemed like months. If she wasn’t sitting in a simulator classroom with her students then she was out on deployment ferrying some Starfleet Intelligence team behind enemy and sometimes friendly lines.

Over the years, she had earned her reputation as one of the finest pilots in Starfleet though no one outside of SI would know it. To the regulars, she was just another Academy instructor. To Intelligence teams, she was an ace who could get them out of a firefight in one piece. More or less. And if it was less, she could patch up the ship enough to limp home.

She looked around the Talon class starship. It was a fighter built for a single pilot. She loved the ability to control the ship from a single console. The commands could flow just from her fingers and voice without needing a Bridge crew. It was equipped with an AI system that could control the ship from points A to B, but she liked to keep busy so she was sitting at the command station watching the stars roll by.

Currently, she was on her way to Starbase 450. Admiral MacLeod, a name she vaguely remembered from her single year in Shadow Operations, had commanded her to bring the unnamed ship from the shipyards at Utopia Planitia to the distant Starbase. She was booking it at warp 8 to make the rendezvous in time.

Vala didn’t mind the disruption in her schedule. There was always someone else to teach her classes when she was off Earth, and to be honest, she’d been accepting more and more Starfleet Intelligence missions in the last few months. Teaching just wasn’t enough anymore. Flying wasn’t flying if it didn’t have stakes, and Admiral MacLeod’s message mentioned an interesting offer to be had. Anytime someone in SI offered you something interesting, Vala jumped at the opportunity. Maybe her classroom days were over. A part of her would miss her students, but she was craving action and a change of pace.

The computer chimed indicating she needed to drop out of warp. She was approaching the coordinates for Starbase 450. With a few keystrokes, the ship dropped to impulse power. Talon class vessel to Starbase 450. Request permission to dock via Admiral MacLeod’s orders. She sent along the ship’s official transfer orders. It was odd that it didn’t have a name, but maybe the Admiral hadn’t picked one out yet.

Orders confirmed. a disembodied voice answered her after a few seconds. Proceed to docking port 23 Alpha. Welcome to Starbase 450, Lt. Commander Preet.

Shortly after Preet landed the scout ship, she received a hail: This is Commander Lanara Alantris, aide to Admiral MacLeod, a female voice responded. The admiral would like you to report to USS Fearless, docked at pylon S-64 at 1800 hours.

Ryramorl Ra’yral

Reepchip Charatetet

Capital City, Carnor

Carnor Calender Date:
  • Drengar Adorns Maryaln
  • Month of Presenting 6
  • Sentinal’s Eye Travelling from the House of the River to the House of the Great Tree

Stardate 1811.09

Ryramorl had used a code that only the Royal Guard and a precious few others knew—a request to converse with his OverKing in private. He explained the message he got from Admiral MacLeod. The way he was talking, I think Shadow Operations is returning in some form, Ryramorl said.

Shor-Ghan grunted. Short notice. I’ll have the controllers redirect this shuttle to Watchtower 680, and we’ll meet the shuttle there. It is NOT landing on Carnor proper.

As soon as Jim Danvers piloted the shuttle Overstone into the Carnor System, he discovered that he was expected. When controllers asked why he was there, he answered that he was asked to meet with a Ryramorl Ra’yral, and was told he was to go to Watchtower 680 instead, where Ryramorl would be waiting.

Upon docking with the space station, two burly Carnoras—one Olvern and one Ataran—greeted him and escorted him to a meeting room. Waiting for him there was several more Carnoras—including three he recognized from news feeds as the new OverKings of the Carnoras. The others wore similar armour to those who had escorted him. Greetings, said Shor-Ghan. You are here to retrieve Ryramorl Ra’yral on the orders of Admiral Ian MacLeod. The most obvious explanation is that Shadow Operations has been reformed and Ryramorl is to be reäctivated.

Jim gave Ryramorl a sharp look, knowing at once the source of the leak.

Ryramorl met his gaze calmly. I had to let His Majesty know about the message from Admiral MacLeod. I’m one of the OverKing’s personal bodyguard—he tapped his own battle armour—so I have to explain any extended absence.

Jim breathed deeply. How many know about this? he asked.

Those you see in this room, Ry’ala’ara, my brother and Clan Chief Myaral, and his mate, as they were in my den when I got the message, responded Ryramorl.

Ryramorl will go with you, said Shor-Ghan, If Shadow Operations is indeed active again, Ryramorl will be given an indefinite leave of absence while he serves. If not, then he is to come straight home and resume his duties.

A tiny creature Jim knew from the news as Rissa Jachekchek stood up from his elevated chair. You will also take Reepchip Charatetet along, he said, gesturing to the only creature not in armour or fancy garb. He, too, is a graduate of Starfleet Academy and an excellent engineer, having taken many advanced courses. Starfleet has decided it has no postings for him, so this will be an excellent opportunity for him to prove himself.

The two OverKings glanced at their Ataran counterpart, but he remained silent, simply keeping an eye on Jim. You are dismissed, said Shor-Ghan. Ryramorl and Reepchip will collect their luggage, and join you on the shuttle.

Wordlessly, the two guards that had escorted Jim from the shuttle escorted him back.

On the way to Starbase 450, Reepchip was telling how he’d gotten into advanced engineering in Starfleet. I decided that it would be more accurate that instead of saying, ’Please state the nature of the medical emergency,’ it should say ’What have you boneheads done to yourselves THIS time?’ The added squeaks and chitters and distorted words revealed to Jim that the Universal Translator was not translating for Reepchip—he was actually speaking English.

Ryramorl burst out laughing. Did you manage to do it?

Reepchip grasped a bottle with his tail, took a drink, and sighed. No. Apparently centuries of mischievous cadets have honed security until it could take fur off my tail, and I got caught.

Ryramorl snickered. Ah, so that’s why all the advanced engineering classes. They weren’t impressed by your racial knack, they were just trying to keep you out of mischief!

Boneheads is right, said Jim. About 20 or 30 years ago, there was a hell of an infamous accident where some cadets tried to do a Kolvoord Starburst, which the Academy banned over a hundred years ago.

Kolvoord Starburst? asked Reepchip.

Ryramorl nodded. It’s the Federation term for a King In Glory, he responded. He turned to Jim Danvers as Reepchip’s jaw dropped. The King In Glory is only performed by elite stunt pilots, usually during the Day of Passing celebrations. I can’t imagine mere cadets trying it, but I know about that accident.

On Starbase 450, Ryramorl came face-to-face with Ian MacLeod for the first time in many years. Ryramorl stood before Ian in his full ceremonial battle armour complete with the blood red cape of a guard. He did not shake hands; instead, he kneeled before the Admiral. What is thy bidding, my master? he asked.

Ian sighed. Of all the old Earth films you could have been exposed to. MacLeod motioned for Ryramorl to join him and he led the way to docking pylon S-64 where the USS Fearless awaited.

Lt. Tiri Sh’avelith

USS Pandora

Stardate: 1811.09

Tiri walked toward the airlock door on Deck 16 where Pandora was moored to Starbase 450. There was no fanfare. No one there to escort her, no one to see her off. She smirked. They were all probably sore that she’d killed Grak. Fools. Did they think Grak would have done time? He would have been given some sort of cushy deal for his cooperation in further investigations against the Consortium and eventually, he would have walked free.

He needed to be killed. For all he’d done. For all his criminal syndicate had done to Federation citizens. Tiri was a hero, as far as she was concerned. Thankfully, there was an out for the Andorian officer. This opportunity made by Admiral MacLeod, it had come at the right time. Otherwise she would have been looking at time in the brig, no doubt, possibly a court martial.

She knew of MacLeod and the legendary Starfleet organization he used to be a part of—Shadow Operations. Tiri had heard he was reassigned to Starfleet Intelligence after the end of Shadow Ops. She wondered if he was recruiting her for a mission?

Tiri arrived at the airlock door and found a security officer there. He gave her a sideways glance and resumed his straight-ahead stare.

Right back at ya, Tiri smirked as she walked down the umbilical attached to the Starbase and departed the ship. She made her way to the hub of the station and it wasn’t long after she began a stroll down the thoroughfare of Starbase 450 she received a hail.

Tapping her comm-badge, Tiri opened a channel, Lt. Sh’avelith here, she said.

This is Commander Lanara Alantris, aide to Admiral MacLeod, a female voice responded. The admiral would like you to report to USS Fearless, docked at pylon S-64 at 1800 hours.

The Andorian looked around and her antenna twitched slightly. Her eyes fell on a nightclub across the thoroughfare and she smiled, Acknowledged, I’ll be there. Sh’avelith out.

She then stowed her duffle bag in a locked, sealed it and headed into the nightclub for a few hours of R&R.

Commander Mayla Vree

USS Axiom en route to Starbase 450

Stardate 1811.09

Mayla stared at the message. Why was Admiral Ian MacLeod requesting for her? She didn’t know much about him except that he was once part of Shadow Operations; the captain of the SO flagship USS Fearless.

Computer, have we already changed course for Starbase 450

Yes, Commander.

Who made the order?

Admiral Ian MacLeod.

Does Admiral Sikos know of our detour

Yes, he authorized the order.

Mayla paused for just a moment before deciding the next course of action. Open a secure channel to Admiral Sikos.

In a few minutes, the bajoran admiral, Sikos Falon, came on the line. He gave her a nod as soon as the transmission was confirmed to be scrambled and encrypted.

Good work on your last assignment, Commander. he started first. Your team might get another secret commendation from the Klingon High Council for this. She could almost see a smile on his face, for some reason.

Am I going on a solo mission, Admiral She came straight out and asked, purposely ignoring his comments. Commendations and medals didn’t hold much value to her as did her father. The three year Linea campaign and time spent in the Mirror Universe hardened him from those flashy trinkets. Jackson Bryce had once told her that after they finally came home, Kyril said that the medals and commendations were just as empty as the coffins of the dead we didn’t bring home. Making it a somber reminder of the many dead they weren’t able to bring home for burial.

No. Admiral Sorvek requested your meeting with Admiral MacLeod, Sikos answered, already anticipating her question and call.

That surprised her. She hadn’t seen or talked with Sorvek in years. Did he say why?

Sikos leaned back from the screen, folding his hands in front of him. He shook his head. I don’t know. Maybe MacLeod wants to consult with you on a past mission. His hands made a few small gestures. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to ask you if you knew where your father was.

Mayla gave him a wry smile. I haven’t heard from Admiral Vree in years either. Every time I inquire, they always say he’s on assignment and is currently unreachable. It seems we have drifted so far apart since- Her hands gestured as if giving up hope. We were once very close. I miss him.

Sikos nodded in understanding. If I ever hear anything about him or his whereabouts, I’ll be sure to let you know. But as for the meeting with MacLeod, it’s just you and him. If he decides to require your consultation on an assignment, I will allow it upon your decision.

Mayla nodded, giving her fingers a few wiggles. Affirmative. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a desk assignment.

Sikos nearly laughed. Mayla Vree has never had a desk assignment. He gave her a lazy wave of his hand. Good luck to you, Commander. Sikos, out.

The screen cut off. Computer, remove video from that transmission. Save audio only. Authorization Vree 94 Pi Sigma Cluster.

Affirmative, Commander.

She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest, contemplating the slightly cryptic conversation with the head of Starfleet Intelligence’s covert operations department. She wasn’t thinking about her father, but more about the other conversation she had with the admiral using SO hand signals.

So, Starfleet Intelligence was given the go ahead to reinstate one Shadow Operations team. And Sorvek had given MacLeod a recommendation. Other than her father, her name may have come up on the short list to join the new team. Her experience with covert missions for the past 11 years perhaps made it obvious to him that she should belong on the first SO team. She had a slight apprehension in regards to being in a team of regular Shadow Operatives. Her experience thus far was mostly with her sibkins; gestated, born, and raised together. They worked together as one like a hive mind due to upbringing, programming, and genetics. They killed well together.

She wished Kyril was there to give her some advice or encouragement, but she’ll have to draw from her memories and experiences of Janara, and especially Kyril of being in a regular team of Shadow operatives.

Computer, what is our ETA at Starbase 450

We will arrive in 18.7 hours, the computer responded immediately.

She turned on her terminal and set up an encrypted data access channel back to Echo Base. She would have just enough time to review all of Bravo Squad’s logs from the beginning.

After Axiom arrived at Starbase 450, Vree disembarked and her comm-badge chirped, This is Commander Lanara Alantris, aide to Admiral MacLeod, a female voice said. The admiral would like you to report to USS Fearless, docked at pylon S-64 at 1800 hours.