Shadow Operations: Resurrection
Season 1 Episode 3
The Briefing
Nov. 19, 2018

Commander T’Aayla Praiin Raillius


Treveon Resort

Stardate 1810.29

T’Aayla arrived in her room at the Treveon Resort and was greeted with a message awaiting her on her Starfleet-issue computer she’d brought along. Opening the screen to the device, she saw the message scrolled there:

Commander T’Aayla Praiin Raillius, Ah, bloody hell! Jamie. I’m sending a runabout from Starbase 450 to retrieve you from Risa at 0900 hours tomorrow morning. The runabout will bring you to Starbase 450. I will meet you there. I have an opportunity for you and, well, dammit Jamie... T’Aayla... whatever I should call you these days, I need you. Hope to see you soon. – Admiral Ian MacLeod.

Wish I knew as well old friend, she said to herself. Indeed, since leaving the Romulan Empire after the death of her benefactor/mentor/almost second father, Senator Raillius, she’d been confused as how to identify herself. Certainly, she was T’Aayla to her nine Rihansuu brothers, but during her recent mission to rescue MacLeod’s daughter, her old Shadow Ops friends had called her Jamie despite her Rihansuu appearance. To them, she was still the Jamie Marcus that they had known before she disappeared into the Romulan Empire nine years ago. They had no way of knowing what had happened to her during those years, or the trauma and eventual redemption she’d achieved.

Now MacLeod was calling on her again.

She was still bitter that Starfleet had abandoned her in the neutral zone essentially due to a Captain following the letter of the law instead of doing the right thing. She’d attacked and disabled a Romulan ship, the RIS Rapier, that had stolen top secret cloak detection technology from the Federation. As the two ships sat disabled, unable to move in the neutral zone, the Federation ships had sat in Federation space, whereas the Romulan ships had come to the aid of their brethren. If it was anyone else from Starfleet asking her to do anything, she’d have told them to fuck off and die, only in not so uncertain terms, and probably in Rihansuu as well. But MacLeod had expressed his opinion of their actions in about as certain terms and said he would have crossed into the neutral zone to bloody well rescue her ass, and she believed him. It fit his character, and her past experience with him in Shadow Ops had allowed her to overcome her now inherent distrust for all things Starfleet and believe him. During their mission to rescue MacLeod’s daughter, Chas’nah, he’d been patient with her, and forgiving of her... liberties. He’d proven her trust in him. He was about the only one in the Federation she’d listen to.

Commander huh, she again said out loud to herself. She’d been a Captain at one time but adding insult to injury had been posthumously court-martialed in absentia for her actions attacking the Rapier. Did that legally make her a Commander? Probably not, given that she was still legally dead according to Federation records. In a way Jamie Marcus had died, to be replaced by the person she now was, both mentally and physically. If MacLeod wanted her as a Commander, then that is how she’d help. Besides, in special forces operations, rank didn’t matter as much as in fleet service anyway. If she could help him without betraying any of her principles, she would. She now had two families, and she was sworn to protect both.

During the mission to rescue MacLeod’s daughter she’d originally posed as a Vulcan, and that cover had held until her old friend Severus Gladius had recognized her despite the nine years and despite the ears and black hair. Then again, ol’ Severus had always had a soft spot for her. Maybe that was why he’d recognized her. Perhaps she’d start this mission, using the same cover as T’Praya Saviikann of Vulcan? Would she be working with anyone who had known her well? What would MacLeod want to present her as? A Romulan wouldn’t necessarily be all that trusted by fellow team members. Jamie Marcus in disguise? Well, she’d see. It wasn’t like she had anything to do currently, or any agenda to accomplish at this very moment. The last mission had turned out to be of great service to her House on Ch’Rihan as well as the Galaxy as a whole, so perhaps this one would turn out as auspiciously. 0900 would arrive soon, so she busied herself wrapping up her few affairs on Risa.

Commander Mayla Vree

Starbase 450

Stardate 1811.16

Mayla acknowledged the order and looked at her chronometer. The meeting was still a few hours away. She shrugged and straightened her uniform, almost as if feeling uneasy in standard dress. She decided to call for the rest of her team.

Vree to Axiom, please inform the crew they will have seven hours of R&R. And if they would like to join me, I am waiting at the docking collar.

Within 10 minutes, the five other members of Echo Team appeared one at a time. Mayla gave them a smile as they approached her. It’s not often we get some uninterrupted downtime. You’re dismissed until I contact you, probably at the end of the gamma shift.

The team looked at each other with a smile. But she motioned to her 2IC. Kara, can you join me for an early dinner?

Sure, she turned around to give her teammates a nod, but they had already gone, just as silent as they usually are on a mission. You don’t think the sudden appearance of six Trill will cause any attention?

It’s a big station, Mayla said, gesturing her to follow. In her subvoc, she contacted the Axiom to lock down the ship while they were gone. Once they reached the concourse, they immediately found a restaurant that offered Trill food, and they placed their order and settled in at a vacant table in a corner of the establishment.

What are we doing here? Kara asked while they were waiting for their food, referring to their detour to Starbase 450.

I’ve been requested to attend a meeting. Afterwards, I may be transferred. Mayla said without pause. You might be taking my place in the Team.

Kara just gave her a nod. Do you think I’m ready?

Mayla gave her a look of confidence. Any one of you can lead, you know that. Your genetics ensured that.

Kara shrugged. Is this all there’s going to be in our lives? One mission after another?

After SO was disbanded, the Admiral had given you the choice of pursuing other interests as long as it was inside Starfleet Intelligence. Mayla thought back to the other teams in the Bravo Squad platoon. Cale and Brin’s teams weren’t given that choice. They were deployed elsewhere. We were the only ones who were given a choice, and we all chose to remain.

It almost felt like they were at the Academy again, turning to each other for support and encouragement in living this strange new life as a Federation citizen, and a Starfleet officer.

I know you wouldn’t have left, Kara quietly said. You love Kyril too much. Your hope of regaining that relationship again with him may take a long time, if it would ever happen. You are chasing a ghost, sister.

Mayla felt a pang in her heart. She knew what Kara said was probably true. But if all she could hold out for was hope, she’d take that over nothing. I’ve lived the last six years without my father; not even a single message or word from him. When he stopped sending us yuletide gifts every year, I knew something had changed in him.

That caused a pause in the conversation. Kyril had usually sent ALL of Bravo Squad yuletide gifts every year, regardless of where he was at. He didn’t have to, but cared for Echo, Delta, and Sierra Teams as if they were all his own children despite the hostile circumstances of their initial meeting. Even they felt the chasm.

Well, I’ll know in a few hours what will transpire from this meeting. Mayla said with a slight tone of resignation and sadness. If MacLeod does offer her a position in the new shadow operations team, she would most likely take it. Thinking of her own Echo Team, she knows they will survive. It’s in their genes.

They spent the rest of the time eating and talking; mostly Mayla giving her advice and recommendations for a 2IC. When it came close to the time for her meeting on the Fearless, she and Kara parted ways.

She took a circuit walk around the entire concourse to take in the shops and different forms of entertainment. She smiled at a memory of another concourse very similar to this one on Starbase Epsilon Seven where she had met Kyril for the very first time 21 years ago. Terrorists had planted two explosive devices in a nightclub and many people were hurt, including herself. She had been so afraid in sickbay by herself surrounded by non-Trills. Then when Kyril walked in, she latched on to the only being she recognized as the same race as her and allowed him to examine her wounds. She absentmindedly rubbed the spot where the fracture in her left forearm had healed up long ago. Kyril had reunited her with her parents and had made a friend for life. No one could have ever foreseen that she would eventually become his adopted daughter, the closest person to him anyone could ever be, and follow in his footsteps into Starfleet and Shadow Operations.

When Mayla reached pylon S-64, she wasn’t alone in the corridor leading to it. This corridor didn’t have any windows to see the ship, but it was the only one leading to the only large airlock that was open. Two security personnel were standing at the entry. She straightened the shirt of her red uniform before stepping up to the two armed men in yellow Starfleet uniforms.

I’m Commander Mayla Vree, I was ordered to report to the Fearless.

One man held up a padd to her face. To her surprise, the padd scanned her face and eyes. There was a beep of acknowledgement. He then gestured for her to place her hand on the padd, which scanned her DNA marker identifying who she was.

Welcome aboard, Commander. Once you enter the ship, someone will escort you to your destination. The man said crisply. You’re not carrying any weapons, are you?

No, I am not.

Very well. Proceed.

Lt. Daryl Thompson

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

Daryl beamed aboard the USS Zephyr. When he materialized, the first thing he saw was Jahkar. Jahkar looked shocked, as if seen a ghost. Thompson! he gasped. I were dead!

Daryl felt a little uneasy, as they didn’t exactly part as friends, a long time ago, when Jahkar and his wife, Dara Ilia, whom Daryl was romantically involved with, had been transferred to another assignment on the USS Ticonderoga. Daryl hadn’t seen or heard from them since then. He wondered how Dara Ilia was doing. Welcome aboard Lieutenant said the transporter operator. Daryl nodded and stepped of the transporter pad. Colonel Jahkar he said. How are you doing? Jahkar just nodded....

Colonel Jahkar

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

Jahkar remembered there had been some bad blood with Thompson, way back when they served together. It had been over Illia. He knew Thompson had been reported dead, but somehow here he was. Did he know about his wife’s fate? The half-Klingon/Romulan cautiously shook hands with Daryl.

I am well, Jahkar confirmed. What happened? We were told you died. Obviously, Admiral Sorvek was wrong.

Lt. Daryl Thompson

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

Daryl sighed. It was still difficult talking about it. He looked at Jahkar, then somewhere behind him, then back at Jahkar. I was abducted by Section 31. They replaced me with a clone. A clone that took over my life. My life in Shadow Ops. I was enslaved, on some backwater planet, to work in the ore mines... Daryl fell silent as memories and feelings overwhelmed him. He swallowed visibly and regained his composure. I was there for about 14 years. Then, during another riot, I was able to escape with a few others. I found a way to get back to Federation space. I learned that my clone had gone rogue, had been captured and trialed but was killed when he was in stasis. I took some time to get my life back. And about 3 years ago I was reinstated as Full Lieutenant in Intelligence. Daryl ended his story. He still didn’t dare asking about Dara.

Maybe later... He gazed in the distance for a few moments. Then he grinned at Jahkar So what have you been up to?

Colonel Jahkar

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

Daryl had obviously been put through hell. He felt compassion toward his former colleague. No man deserved to have his life taken away from him in such fashion. The half-Klingon/Romulan led the way as they made their way to the cabin they’d been assigned.

I have been training Recon Marines on Earth, he said. Daryl, there are some things you may not know. Illia and I divorced many years ago. Not long after she was killed. I have raised Tajel and Kedanya these years. They are both grown now and are pursuing their own careers.

He turned to Daryl, I am sorry if news about Illia comes as a surprise. I hope you and I can put our past differences behind us.

Lt. Daryl Thompson

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

The news about Dara struck Daryl like lightning. Dara was dead! He pushed away the emotions that started stirring up and forced himself to listen Jahkar. Daryl nodded. I think we should. Though I am very sorry to hear about Ilia. Daryl once more didn’t dare asking what exactly happened. He would find out in time. He felt bad for Jahkar. It had to be hard for him. Pursuing a career in the military and raising 2 kids. As it seemed, Jahkar was willing to forgive or at least forget what had happened, a long time ago when they were together in Bravo Squad. That was not a bad start.

Colonel Jahkar

USS Zephyr

Stardate 1811.16

Jahkar nodded, I am curious about why we’ve been summoned to Starbase 450. I did not think it likely Starfleet was re-activating Shadow Operations. But MacLeod needs to see us for some reason.

They arrived at the cabin they’d be sharing. Jahkar tossed his gear on a bunk and turned to Thompson. Well, at least we will have time to catch up. I’m sure we both have a lot to talk about. I’m curious to hear about how Lt. Daryl Thompson has returned from the dead! It will be a glorious tale!

The ship then set out for Starbase 450 and they were on their way...

Lt. Cody Beckett

Starbase 450

Stardate 1811.18

The shuttle dropped out of warp. Cody woke up in his seat. He looked through the window and saw the Starbase 450 getting bigger as they closed in. On one of it’s docking pylons, a dark gray, with black touches, Sovereign class vessel was docked. It bore no name or designation number on its saucer section. Cody smiled inwardly. He had heard about these ships within Starfleet Intelligence, they belonged to the Black Ops division. During his time in Starfleet Intelligence he had seen a few off them. He had also heard about the famous Shadow Operations teams, where McLeod apparently had been part off before they had been shut down. So he really was curious what McLeod had to offer him. The shuttle landed in one of the many shuttle bays, and moments later, Cody stepped onto the station. He walked out of the shuttlebay and made his way to the USS Fearless. Once there, Security checked him and after confirmation, he was allowed onboard. He was guided into a large conference room. A large table with comfortable seats where in the middle. On the table there where several jugs of water with glasses and a few bowls of fruit. He was the first one, so he sat down in one of the chairs, poured in a glass of water and grabbed a piece of fruit, and waited...

Ryramorl Ra’yral

Reepchip Charatetet

Starbase 450

Stardate 1811.18

Ryramorl gestured to Reepchip, and the two followed Ian. On the way Ryramorl explained that, as one of the four Bodyguards of the Olvern OverKing, he’d had to tell his rulers about the message. He handed Ian a scroll and explained it was a writ from the OverKings, placing both he and Reepchip Charatetet on indefinite assignment.

He also introduced the Muran to Ian, and Reepchip explained he had actually taken many advanced classes in engineering at Starfleet Academy, so was very familiar with Federation Technology-that, and he could scurry into conduits and places that most sentients couldn’t fit into.

Lt. Tiri Sh’avelith

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.18

Tiri arrived at the airlock to Fearless and was cleared by security. Once aboard the ship, she was directed to leave her bags with security and sent to the conference room where the meeting with Admiral MacLeod would be held.

She’d never been aboard a Sovereign-class, and while at one time they were considered the most state-of-the-art ships in the fleet, now they were surpassed by a dozen newer, better starships.

Still, it was an impressive ship, with he most recent upgrades and refits. It beat the old Nebula-class Pandora she’d served aboard previously.

Thinking about Pandora, Tiri wondered if there would be repercussions still over her killing the head of the Consortium. MacLeod may have gotten her rear-end out of the fire for the moment, but certainly no one in a command situation was just going to let that slide.

The Andorian put it out of her mind as she boarded a turbolift which took her to the bridge. From there, the conference room was just off the bridge and there she went to take her seat and hear what Admiral MacLeod wanted...

Admiral Ian MacLeod

USS Fearless, War Room

Stardate 1811.19

MacLeod assembled the team aboard Fearless. Assuming they would become a team. Admittedly, he was throwing this together on the fly, so whether this group bonded and became the Shadow Operations unit he’d hoped they’d be, or failed miserably, was yet to been seen.

Fearless had served as the flagship for Shadow Operations in the old days. It later was the command center for the task force MacLeod and Sorvek ran to mop up Section 31 holdouts. Now, Ian would be continuing to command the vessel as it returned to a flagship role with Shadow Ops.

The War Room was part of Fearless’ refit during the Section 31 action. The room was the size of two conference rooms and was equipped with all sorts of technology to keep others from eavesdropping on what went on there, as well as state-of-the-art holographic projection systems to offer multiple tactical displays.

The doors to the room slid open and Admiral MacLeod walked in, trailer closely by a younger woman with dark hair and dark eyes. As they entered, the woman, Commander Alantris, a Betazoid, announced, Admiral on deck!

The crew came to attention, but MacLeod moved to sit at the head of the obsidian table and he called out, As you were.

Once seated, he looked down the length of the table at the crew assembled there. Some faces were familiar, others were not. But he had recruited them all based of their abilities, considering there was no longer a Shadow Ops training program. It would be up to the senior unit members to bring the others into the fold.

Welcome, he said as the last of the team was seated. I’m glad you could all join us. For some of you, this is a reunion of sorts. For others, we are all meeting for the first time. Since we are pressed for time, I’d like to go ahead with my presentation and there will be time for questions and answers afterwards.

You have been brought here because we have been given authorization to reactivate Shadow Operations. Now those of you who were previously with the organization, I must warn you not to jump to any conclusions. This is one unit, serving aboard one ship, not a complete reboot of the organization Shadow Ops once was.

It is possible, if we are successful with this one unit, that the powers that be will agree to adding more personnel and possibly more ships. But that is still light years away. The reactivation of this unit is for one intended purpose.

MacLeod toggled a remote he held in his hand and images displayed in air above the table, holographic projections. All of them showed various incidents of unrest – protests, riots, fighting in the streets, vehicles burning and buildings exploding.

In the past several years, unrest has been growing on many Federation worlds. Vulcan, Delta, Algolia, Andoria and as many as 23 other worlds. These are mostly groups who want their homeworlds to secede from the Federation, some are radical hate groups and others are straight up terrorist factions. Every world in the Federation is prone to some form of internal unrest at one time or another, but this wave of trouble has been growing and is matched by unrest in other governments in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

There is unrest among the Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians and the Tholians. In comparing all of these ongoing incidents, Starfleet Intelligence has made some connections.

MacLeod keyed the toggle again and the images disappeared, to be replaced by a file displaying a manifest of what appeared to be a massive stockpile of weapons, explosives and other military gear.

This manifest was seized during a Section 31 raid three years ago. The weapons detailed on the file were all manufactured by Honzam Industries in the Nyberrite Alliance. There are 100,000 phasers, phaser rifles and other similar arms listed here. This was a Section 31 cache that was to be delivered to factions opposed to the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant. The plan was apparently to start some sort of insurrection there, but oddly, the weapons were lost in transit. The freighter carrying them was destroyed after an onboard accident. But now, the weapons that were aboard that ship are turning up in the hands of all of these groups causing the unrest – both here and abroad.

MacLeod waited a moment, allowing the team to digest the information before he resumed. This unit will be tasked with getting to the bottom of the rebel factions throughout the quadrant. Starfleet Intelligence believes there is a connection, but who is behind it and why remain a mystery. To date, no members of any of these groups have been taken alive.

The admiral displayed a holographic image of a human head, a cutaway schematic of the head was then displayed, and it enlarged on the area of the carotid artery. Another connection is this, a micro-explosive implanted in the carotid artery of every member of these terrorist cells. If they are captured, the bomb detonates. No one has been taken alive. And no command personnel have ever been uncovered.

MacLeod looked around at the team, It’s not much to go on, but I have confidence in this group. Fearless will be departing to take you to your base of operations. There, you will also find your mission ship. If anyone isn’t interested in this assignment, you can get off now and there will be no repercussions. I only want people who want to be a part of this unit. If you’re not in, then I’d rather you stay out.

He passed a datapad to Commander Vree, Vree, you’ll command the unit. Raillius, you’ll be her XO. Fearless departs in one hour. We’ll arrive at the Shadow Operations base in eight hours. Those remaining should take that time to get acquainted, or re-acquainted.

He turned to Vala Preet and said, Lt. Commander Preet, retrieve the Talon-class ship your brought here and bring it into the Fearless’ hangar bay. We’ll need it at the SO base.

The Scot paused a moment, then added, Are there any questions?