Shadow Operations: Resurrection
Season 1 Episode 4
Dressing Down
Nov. 25, 2018

Commander Mayla Vree

War Room, USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.22

All Mayla could think about was the overall scope of the task the Admiral was giving them. To find if there was a single entity responsible for the unrest throughout the quadrant. Echo Team’s last mission was to era dicate a Klingon splinter group that wanted to destroy all those in the current High Council, including the Chancellor.

Maybe this group was also a result of what is causing this unrest amongst the different empires. She tried to think back to the mission if they saw anything out of the ordinary. Then she remembered they had the visual drones map out the entire facility before they left. She’d need to get those files and review them closely in a holodeck. The high-resolution scans would allow them to revisit the location to scrutin ize the setting and environment. This was standard practice within Delta, Echo, and Sierra teams so the environment can be repurposed for training holosims. This was one of the few holdover procedures from the old days of Bravo Squad’s daily holosims.

After MacLeod asked if they had any questions, she looked around to see if anyone was going to leave. No one did. She raised a hand. Do we have access to those mission reports where you’ve captured members of the terrorist cell?

MacLeod nodded, Yes. There have been 18 cases of near-captures, 12 ended in the detonation of brain-bomb devices. Three killed themselves with poison. One shot himself. And three were gunned down by their own colleagues. No one has made it to an interrogation cell to date. But you have access to the reports.

And can we see the investigation data for when the freighter was destroyed?

Again, the Scot nodded. Yes. There was never an official inquiry, since it was an illegal operation. Section 31 conducted a brief investigation, but there are few details. The report is accessible in the database.

She nodded to herself, ready to get to work. She had already decided before she even got off of the Axiom that she would take the transfer if offered to her. She belonged to Shadow Operations. It was her father’s legacy, and she intended on carrying it on regardless of what he was doing now.

There were only three people she knew of in the room; Jahkar, Ra’yral, and Thompson. And the latter was the biggest surprise to her that he would even still be in Starfleet considering what he did on the USS Revenant 13 years ago. The reports she had brought back to Starfleet had helped put him and Durham in prison. But it was later discovered that both of them never made it to trial and both supposedly died in stasis.

Then Admiral Jaegar’s treachery turned Shadow Ops upside down. All the teams had trusted him, especially Bravo Squad. Jaegar had been working out of Shadow Operations’ mobile command ship, the Typhoon class ship, USS Vindicator for many years until it was discovered that it was he who killed Durham and Thompson, ripping them out of their stasis pods. And worse of all, he’d been feeding intel to Section 31 for years. Captain Quentin Lazarus and Bravo Squad had volunteered to hunt him down and bring him in. But all that aside, here was Thompson sitting at the table with her.

She caught Jahkar’s eye and gave him a nod. They had only met face to face a few times, but she mostly knew him from his Bravo Squad marine training holosims he created for them before he transferred out of the the team. Kyril had his Bravo Squad had perfected his training regimen and also used it for the rest of the platoon. She wondered briefly where Commander Dara was.

Then there was Ra’yral, who also trained Bravo Squad on how to fight and hunt like a Carnora. Bravo Squad had full training sims with him when Kyril showed Ra’yral teeth from the fourth Carnora he had killed, proving Bravo Squad’s worth to be taught by the proud warrior. His fighting method was unorthodox and banned within the Starfleet ranks, but Bravo Squad always learned and trained whatever was necessary to survive. And many of those abilities trickled down to the rest of the Bravo Squad platoons. When she first joined Bravo Squad at the young age of 18, Kyril had her and her sibkins learn everything Bravo Squad knew. The daily holosims and constant training perfected their new skills and honed their already extensive fighting skills.

After answering a few questions, Admiral MacLeod then dismissed them and ordered them to be back on board in one hour for departure. Mayla got up and quickly left the room before anyone could stop her. She needed to get back to the Axiom to pack up her personal items and weapons. And most importantly, to transfer her command.

Echo 1 to Echo 2, report to the Axiom immediately, Mayla said over her subvocal.

I’m already there, Kara responded. Are you leaving us?

Mayla walked briskly through the docking corridor heading in the direction where the Axiom was docked. Yes, I need to transfer command over to you and pack my gear.

During her 10 minute walk to the Axiom, she had already transferred command codes for the Axiom over to Kara, submitted her official request for a transfer, and asked Kara to transfer the high resolution scans of the Klingon stronghold from their last mission onto a how ever many data chips as needed. She would be taking a copy of those with her.

Echo Leader is on secure comms for you on the bridge, Kara said as soon as Mayla stepped on board.

Captain Morgan Foster, CO of Echo Base and Echo Team, was on the screen when Mayla walked onto the bridge. Commander, what have you decided? Will you be taking this desk job?

Mayla scoffed. He already knew her answer. Aye, sir. I will.

Good. I have already authorized your transfer and Admiral Sorvek has ran it through the channels.’ He gave her a smile. You officially belong to Admiral MacLeod as of five minutes ago.

What did Admiral Sorvek say? Mayla had to ask.

Foster smiled. He said it was logical for you to accept the assignment.

Mayla let out a wry smile. Vulcans will be vulcans. Then he said he never had a doubt. Foster gave her a smile. Good luck to you, Mayla. The only easy day-

-was yesterday. Mayla finished. Something else that was a holdover from Bravo Squad. It’s been an honor, Captain. Take care of Echo Team. She saluted him and the screen went blank. She turned to Kara who handed her a box of data rods.

The high res scans of the entire interior of the stronghold, Kara said, giving Mayla almost a sad smile.

Thank you. With a rare show of emotion to her sibkin, she gave Kara a hug. The ship and team are yours. Take care of each other. Mayla let go and headed to her quarters for the last time to pack.

Commander T’Aayla Raillius

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.23

MacLeod passed a datapad to Commander Vree, Vree, you’ll command the unit.

Raillius, you’ll be her XO. Fearless departs in one hour. We’ll arrive at the Shadow Operations base in eight hours. Those remaining should take that time to get acquainted, or re-acquainted.

He turned to Vala Preet and said, Lt. Commander Preet, retrieve the Talon-class ship your brought here and bring it into the Fearless’ hangar bay. We’ll need it at the SO base.

The Scot paused a moment, then added, Are there any questions?

T’Aayla bristled at MacLeod using her real name. Well...her new real name. She made a note to inquire as to why he had used it instead of her Vulcan cover name. This would both make things more complicated, yet also simpler. On one hand, anyone with any passing knowledge of Rihansuu politics or history would have heard of the family name of Raillius.

For a member of the Raillius family to be in Shadow Ops was unusual at best, and likely to arouse suspicions amongst the rest of the crew. Perhaps MacLeod had that much confidence in his newly assembled team? On the other hand, she wouldn’t need to maintain a cover, which was admittedly tiring and more work. She also wouldn’t have to act the stoic Vulcan all the time.She considered, perhaps it was better for the team’s trust to be forthcoming, initial reactions be damned. The only person who she had worked with before had been Jahkar, and that was when she was Jamie Marcus and over nine years ago. She remembered he didn’t care for Romulans. That was fine, she didn’t particularly care for Klingons either now. Everyone else was a fresh slate. She scanned the assembled group, appraising their demeanor, looking for strengths and weaknesses. She had no questions for MacLeod, at least not in public; she’d ask him anything she wanted clarification on later. In the meantime she maintained an attentive posture, displaying no emotion; however, her eyes actively took in every nuance of the interactions amongst the crew.

After the briefing was over she noted that the new Commanding officer, a female Trill, left the briefing quickly. Odd, she thought, wondering at her sudden departure. T’Aayla formally and briefly introduced herself to the rest of the crew in a matter of fact and no-nonsense way as was her style. Rihansuu maintained a rigid command structure, and she followed that stiffness in bearing today, at least for now until she got to know her crew better. After introductions, she left and immediately asked the computer the location of Commander Vree.

Commander Vree is in her quarters, Deck two, cabin 12A.

How long has she been in that location?

Commander Vree just arrived at that location.

Computer display all information on Commander Vree. As the computer displayed what was an obviously redacted file, she scanned it intently. She’d obtain the classified files later. It was always prudent to know your commanding officer, perhaps more than any other crew member. Her weaknesses would become the team’s weaknesses, and weakness was not to be tolerated. She would analyze this new commander, as she had been taught, and learn everything about her. Such was her responsibility as a First. After speed reading the dossier, she headed to cabin 12A. She knew its location exactly, as she had served aboard Fearless under Captain Sortha for years. The familiarity of the ship was...comforting, given her experiences the past year.

Commanders Mayla Vree and T’Aayla Raillius

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.23

Mayla walked into her temporary quarters on the Fearless and put her two bags down on the floor carefully. The bags held mostly her weapons, and a few personal items she took on missions. The majority of her belongings were still on Echo Base, which will be transferred to her new billeting when she arrives.

It had been a while since she’d been on a sovereign class starship. She’d been on the USS Revenant for a brief time when she was much younger, and that ship had been decommissioned for over a decade now. This one she could tell has had several refits and different modifications done to it, even though the Revenant was also heavily modified for Shadow Ops use. It had been specifically built to be Shadow Ops’ mobile base of operations.

The door chime sounded. She moved her two bags aside and keyed the door to open.

At the door stood the Romulan woman who was also at the meeting earlier. Vree hadn’t had the chance to meet everyone before she had to return to the Axiom.

Commander Vree, I am Commander T’Aayla Raillius, your First Officer. She saluted and stood at the ready.

Mayla Vree. It’s my pleasure to meet you. Mayla held out her hand and gave her a smile.

T’Aayla hesitated for a second but took the hand and gave it a firm formal shake, making sure to exert enough pressure to make it feel solid, yet not enough to damage her captain’s hand or appear disrespectful. I extend my greetings to you as well Commander.

Please, come in. Mayla took a step back to let her in. T’Aayla entered, and once again assumed a ready position, her hands clasped behind her back. Mayla continued, I apologize for disappearing so quickly. I just came back on board. I had to transfer my command to my former XO and pack my gear.

Understood Commander. A previous command must be transferred before assuming a new position. May I inquire as to that command, T’Aayla asked, knowing it was Starfleet Intelligence. It would be interesting to see how this Commander Vree answered.

Mayla just gave her a nod. Yes, It was Starfleet Intelligence. She paused for just a moment before continuing. And the rest is unfortunately classified.

T’Aayla nodded in understanding, Of course, Commander. Did you have any orders? She waited expectantly, displaying no hint of her thoughts, but with her deep green eyes observing Mayla closely.

The first thing Mayla noticed about her new XO was the intensity in her demeanor. Her eyes spoke it all despite what the rest of her body was saying. Mayla walked over to her pack and pulled out several small data padds.

In about two hours, I will call the team for our first meeting in Holodeck 1. Based on what the Admiral just told us and the intelligence he’s given us, I came across something we need to investigate before we reach our new base of operations. There might be some clues we might find that will add to the sparse information we already have.

She handed Raillius one of the padds. This is a schedule of daily morning holosims we will do while we are stationed at the new base, mostly field operations. We need to be able to work together in combat as soon as possible. She handed her another padd. This is another schedule for a daily afternoon holosim that will mainly be ship board stations. If we’re to ever take a ship, we each need to know our stations and be able to function together seamlessly in combat situations regardless of the type of ship. I’ll give you the assigned and backup duty stations by the time we reach our destination.

She walked back to her bags and picked them up, moving them to the couch. She unzipped one, the one with her various melee weapons, and checked them. Each item was firmly secured in its own holster and pouches. If we finish that task before we arrive, I want you to come up with an activity that will start building trust amongst all of the members of the team. We all know what our dossier says, and even some of the classified information. But there are still some things about each and every one of us that’s so classified that it’s not written down anywhere. If this team is to trust each other, we need to build a respect for each other abilities and what each of us can contribute to the team. Egos, chips on their shoulders, prejudices, are all to be left at Starbase 450. We are all highly skilled professionals and we don’t need to show each other up or determine who carries a bigger stick. I am a firm believer in maximizing and taking advantage of everyone’s skills, and that’s only if we know what we are all capable of.

Mayla finished her speech, making it longer than she anticipated. She wanted Raillius to know where she stood, and what she expected from each member of the team. The speech reminded her of the mistake her father made when he first took command of Bravo Squad. Of course, back then, many of the members were new to a covert operations team. She turned and looked at Raillius again and looked at the last padd with the team’s dossiers on it. I’ve had experiences with Ra’yral, Jahkar, and Thompson before. I need to know the true abilities of the rest of the team. Beckett and Charatetet are the only members without SO nor SI operational experience. I want you to start off with having Jahkar run them through a gauntlet to ascertain their combat skills in the field. Then when we get to our destination, we’ll run through a holosim together so we can get an overview of what the team can do.

T’Aayla observed Commander Vree closely, noting several emotions crossing her face at the conclusion of her speech. She detected a determination, hope, some slight trepidation, and regret. The first three were expected from someone assuming a new command, the last was not and T’Aayla wondered its source. Having spent nine years in the Rihansuu Empire and dealing with its politics, she’d learned to keep anything from showing on her face, and conversely had become very adept at reading others. Survival on ch’Rihan mandated such skills. She considered her response carefully but quickly. Agreed Commander, efficiency is paramount. The team is quite diverse; it will be challenging to mold them into a functional team, but as you correctly point out, it is vital for the success of any mission. I have worked with Sergeant Jahkar and Ryramorl Ra’yral before. Both are strong warriors, but both can be emotional and temperamental. The others I have no experience with. You have read the dossier on Lieutenant Tiri Sh’avelith?

Mayla pulled the dossier and the first thing she noticed was the last thing Sh’avelith did before coming to Starbase 450. Just briefly.

She disobeyed a direct order and would have been court-martialed and sent to prison were it not for Admiral MacLeod’s intervention. We cannot have a repeat of that on this team.

The Admiral must have seen her past experience on the Pandora as an asset to help to see a broader view of these events throughout the Alpha Quadrant. Mayla thought back to one entry in the dossier that raised a flag that may have led Sh’avelith to the decision she made on her last assignment. Section 31 operatives had the same mentality when it came to protecting the Federation. Her own father had made questionable decisions similar to Sh’avelith while on campaign, and Admiral Sorvek had intervened to skirt any direct actions against the Trill. Kyril Vree became one of his most loyal followers and believers of what Shadow Operations stood for. Even after he’d been approached several times to join Section 31 over the course of his career, he vehemently turned them down each time. Sh’avelith may similiarly be going down the same path. We’ll keep an eye on her and maybe ascertain the reason she made the decision she made. I’m hoping after a few months we can learn to understand each other past our own perspectives and experience.

Very well Commander, I’ll begin work on the trust building exercise you requested. She saluted, turned crisply and walked out the door, her movements practiced and efficient.

Mayla watched her leave and smiled satisfactorily. Raillius was very much a consummate operative. She hid a lot of herself very well. The Trill hoped she will open up a bit once the team started spending more time together. But she had no doubts in the abilities of her XO. Admiral MacLeod chose well. She hopes his track record with the rest of the team was just as good.

As she made her way to the Fearless’ operations room, T’Aayla processed multiple trains of thought simultaneously. Commander Vree was acting logically and as expected. Developing an understanding of the team’s capabilities and building an operational effectiveness, both in combat and on ship systems was standard procedure. She did tend to talk quite a bit, but she reminded herself that Starfleet was not as close-lipped as service in the Rihansuu fleet. She also was a Trill which was a very social species in general. As to her demeanor, she seemed extremely casual, doing things like unpacking in front of her. She sensed that Commander Vree was eager to do well, to please, be liked, and to accomplish the mission. It also wasn ’t bad for her that Commander Vree was willing to share information casually.

She looked at the morning and afternoon training sims. All were textbook scenarios and would identify and highlight issues that needed to be corrected. A slow smile spread across her face, which she quickly quashed; she had an idea for a team building exercise that would also be very enlightening of her new team members.

The third train of thought hinged around a piece of information that Mac, Admiral MacLeod, she corrected herself, had given in the briefing. Arriving at the operations room she noted it was empty and decided to put Fearless’ data banks to the test before Commander Vree started her briefing.

Commander T’Aayla Raillius

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.23

In the empty Fearless’ operations room, T’Aayla ordered the doors sealed. Level one security clearance, Commander T’Aayla Raillius, Shadow Operations. MaxAcc requested.

Confirmed. Commander Raillius accepted.

So far so good, T’Aayla thought, wondering just how deep her new access codes would get her into the Federation databanks. Identify all instances involving terrorists who have been killed due to a micro-explosive implanted in the carotid artery within the past two years.

There have been seven instances of suspected terrorist deaths due to this manner of termination.

Computer, collect all sensor scans, video, audio, electromagnetic, medical, or otherwise that relate to these instances. Cross index all Starfleet, civilian, and private data collection available, including autopsy and classified security sources. Include any access to foreign government databases as well. Then commence an analysis for any indication of cause of detonation, remotely, coded, triggered, or biologically internal to the deceased. Cross index all results. Include an analysis of rotating or changing commands or causes for detonation. Also identify any other similar search attempts in all databases. Notify Commander Raillius, Shadow Ops when complete. Seal and lock this process Commander Raillius code one-one-alpha-two.


Computer, unseal doors. That done, T’aayla returned to the process of implementing Commander Vree’s orders, developing the details for the combat and ship based training simulations.

Colonel Jahkar, report. She said after tapping her comm badge.

Jahkar here.

Colonel, take Lieutenant Beckett and Ensign Charatetet through an evaluative combat gauntlet to ascertain their base combat and operational skill levels and prepare a report for Commander Vree and myself. Commander Vree will have us meeting in one point seven-five hours so plan your evaluation to occur after that time frame, but at the soonest possible opportunity. Raillius out.

She then got back to developing the training sims, and her special team building exercise. Glancing around to make sure the room was still empty, she allowed a very slight smile to play at one corner of her mouth... just briefly.

Reepchip Charatetet

Ryramorl Ra’yral

USS Fearless War Room

Stardate 1811.23

Reepchip felt as if the admiral’s eyes were on him—unlike the others, he hadn’t exactly been summoned but rather sent to accompany Ryramorl. He stood and bowed to Ian. The Carnora Pentarchy is an enclave in the Federation, and the wisdom amongst my people is A burning city spares no house. I am yours to command until death or, if need be, beyond.

Ryramorl’s mouth quirked a bit at the Muran’s response—Reepchip seemed a bit nervous at his circumstance. After Reepchip finished speaking, Ryramorl spoke. I have two, he said. First, may I contact Shor-Ghan and let him know I have been reactivated? And second—as a bodyguard of an OverKing, I do have access to the Pentarchy Intelligence. Do you think that I should use those contacts? He tapped on the table. One person they could talk to is Talsyn. He’s abided by the law in the past few years, but we all know his reputation here in the UFP. Perhaps someone’s tried to contact him. He pondered bringing up the probe found in the Great Ring Sea as well. In light of certain events, it seemed more ominous than before, but perhaps he was just being paranoid.

Yes, you may tell Shor-Ghan. I trust that you’ll be discreet, responded Ian.

Ryramorl nodded. After he left the War Room, he sent a brief message to Shor-Ghan. It simply said Writ in effect. With that done, it was time to greet some of the few people he still remembered, starting with Jahkar. He noticed Reepchip following him, and touched the Muran with his tail, inviting him to walk by his side.

He approached the Romulan/Klingon hybrid. Colonel Jahkar, he rumbled. It has been a very long time.

Colonel Jahkar

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.24

Jahkar was in the messhall grabbing a bite to eat when he was approached by Ryramorl and Reepchip. The Klingon/Romulan had always admired the Carnora as fierce fighters, both strong and honorable. He knew Ryramorl well, but this Reepchip—he wasn’t quite so sure of.

It has, old friend, Jahkar replied to Ryramorl, extending a hand in friendship. It is good to see you.

At that moment Jahkar’s comm-badge chirped and he tapped it in response. Jahkar here.

It was Commander Raillius, or Jamie Marcus, more accurately. Jahkar had heard about Marcus and her Romulan background, but he still did not fully understand.

Colonel, take Lieutenant Beckett and Ensign Charatetet through an evaluative combat gauntlet to ascertain their base combat and operational skill levels and prepare a report for Commander Vree and myself. Commander Vree will have us meeting in one point seven-five hours so plan your evaluation to occur after that time frame, but at the soonest possible opportunity. Raillius out.

Jahkar raised an eyebrow and looked from Ryramorl to Reepchip, Come on ensign, let’s get Beckett and go to the holodeck. I have a program I can run you both through. Ryramorl, I’ll catch up with you later.

The Marine then tapped his comm-badge, Jahkar to Beckett. Report to the holodeck in 15 minutes.

He then led Reepchip through the ship, to their destination at the holodeck...

Lt. Tiri Sh’avelith

USS Fearless

Stardate 1811.24

Tiri had been summoned to Admiral MacLeod’s ready room following the briefing in the War Room. As eager as she was to get on with this mission and be part of this team, she knew some form of punishment was due over the incident on Pandora...and that was likely coming now.

The only team member being called to MacLeod’s office was hardly a good thing. She prepared for the worst as he invited her to enter. She came into the room, stood at his desk with her hands clasp behind her, and said: Lt. Tiri Sh’avelith reporting as ordered, sir.

MacLeod looked up from a datapad and looked the svelte Andorian over. He studied her a moment, then set the pad down.

I’m going to cut through the bullshit, lieutenant and get straight to the point. You made a fool out of me when I requested you for this special duty and the day I transmit orders, you go and defy orders and kill an important prisoner on a mission. You had strict orders to bring Grak in, and he was unarmed. You murdered him, essentially. Imagine my embarrassment when I had to tell your captain that yes, I understood what you’d done and while I did not condone it, I was still transferring you to my command.

I apologize, admiral, but with all due respect I didn’t ask for this transfer, said Tiri. Therefore, it was never my intention to embarrass you.

MacLeod raised an eyebrow, Really? Having read your service record I had no inclination you would go and do something so rash, something so defiant to your commanding officer. I put my trust in you by requesting you for this duty, and you broke that trust—whether you wanted the transfer or not. Problem is I need you for this upcoming specifically...or I would have passed on the transfer and left you to rot in Pandora’s brig.

Tiri looked down and collected herself. He NEEDED her? How was that so? She was an intelligence operative and she’d been in the field for some time fighting the Consortium, but she was no outstanding asset.

Exactly what am I needed for, sir? she asked. I wasn’t aware Starfleet needed smart-mouthed, insolent screw-ups.

MacLeod shook his head, Until two days ago, when you killed Grak and ended every chance the Consortium task force had to mop up the rest of the crime organization by killing the one person who knew every secret about the organization, you were an outstanding officer. Slightly arrogant and borderline insubordinate, but nonetheless a good officer who always got the job done. What happened?

Tiri pondered the question, still standing at attention where MacLeod had left her. She didn’t really know why she killed Grak. She just knew she wasn’t about to let him get away, not after all they’d been through. Not after all Starfleet had gone through to bring down the Consortium.

I...I didn’t want to leave any loose ends. I didn’t want Grak to walk on some technicality. For him to cut some sort of deal that would let him get off. He was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Federation citizens, scores of Starfleet and Shadow Operations personnel, the young Andorian stated. I couldn’t let him get away with that.

MacLeod flew up out of his seat, hands planted on the desk in front of him, as he leaned forward and glared at the blue-skinned girl. You couldn’t let him get away with that? Just WHO are you? Or better yet, WHO do you think you are? the Scot growled. You don’t get to make those sorts of calls. And you don’t get to decide which orders you follow and which ones you don’t. If you can’t live by the rules, then get out of Starlfleet! You disobey any more orders from a ranking officer and you will be court martialed and you will be out of Shadow Ops so fast, it’ll make your head spin! Do I make myself clear, Ms. Sh’avelith?

The Andorian gave a hurried nod, Yes sir.

MacLeod eased back into his chair and sighed loudly, You are on probation. One screw up, you’re out. And you’re demoted to ensign. You want to be a lieutenant again, you’ll have to earn the rank back.

Tiri nearly gasped aloud. She had lost her rank. She had worked so hard to get that promotion just a year ago. Now it was gone, and she was back to being an ensign. For a fleeting moment, she considered giving her resignation, but she gritted her teeth. She’d endure this and overcome the demotion.

I understand, admiral, she said.

MacLeod waved for Tiri to go, Dismissed. I’ll send Commander Vree notification of your probation and demotion.

Sir, Tiri said. If I may ask, what role am I to play in this upcoming mission? She was admittedly curious about why she was so important to the team’s mission.

No, ensign, you may not ask, MacLeod snapped. You’ll be told when we reach the base and I give the main mission briefing. Now get out of my office.

Yes sir, she said. After walking out of the admiral’s office, Tiri stood against the wall and fought back tears as she removed her lieutenant’s pip from her collar and slid it into her pocket. She then collected herself and set off for the messhall to get something to eat.

Capitol City, Carnor, Carnora Pentarchy

Carnor Calender Date:
  • Drengar Departs The Skies, Roraghn Dawns, Ngagar Comes Near
  • Month of Presenting 12
  • Sentinal’s Eye Travelling from the House of the River to the House of the Great Tree

Stardate 1811.24

OOC Note on Carnor calender:

Drengar Departs The Skies, Roraghn Dawns, Ngagar Comes Near:
The moon Drengar has just gone behind the moons’ host planet and Roraghn has just appeared from behind it; Ngagar is at its closest point to Carnor.
Month of Presenting 12
A Turning is less than 10 hours, as The Prince of Heaven has a fairly rapid rotation.

In a conference call with the other OverKings, Shor-Ghan read the message from Ryramorl aloud to the other OverKings. In other words, Shadow Operations has returned to duty. Oregarek grunted. Then the situation in the United Federation of Planets must be worsening. I’ll warn the Frontier Guard—if they don’t know already.

Feet feel shifting sand before the head does, quoted Rissa. But I believe they’ll take comfort in knowing we know.

Tell them that Ryramorl and Reepchip’s commanders are to be aided, should they ask, said Shor-Ghan. Then he paused. Keep an eye on your sons. Omarrena seems the kind to heroically fight a fire and get himself incinerated, and Nameless will probably wield this firebrand and burn us all.

Oregarek growled. I’m fully aware that if Nameless is dishonorable enough to cheat during his manhood trials, he’s dishonorable enough to do anything, he said firmly. It’s why I fostered him out to the North Ocean Tribes. And don’t worry about Omarenna. He has a good heart and his trainers are tempering it with humility. He’ll be fine.

Within the Turning, the Frontier Guard commanders had been contacted. They already knew from Federation Citizens that something was going on and agreed to help Ryramorl’s ship. They didn’t miss the lack of details about Ryramorl’s posting—and knew better than to ask for them.