Shadow Operations: Resurrection
Season 2 Episode 5
Meeting Wrap Up
Feb. 04, 2019

Ensign Reepchip Charatetet

Lieutenant Ryramorl Ra’yral

Ops Base One Briefing Room

Stardate 1901.28

Reepchip looked over the data pad that was slid his way, looking at the chemical composition he considered tinkering with a phaser so its disintegration setting would affect only that chemical. When he heard Jahkar’s plan of being bait, he looked over, rising to his full height. I like it, he chittered. Much like the Muran Hunting that the Olvern do. Here I am, little Muran, out in the open and all alone! All I can do is dash into this little hiding spot over here!

Ryramorl groaned and buried his face in his paws. And you chase him in there, and 15 Murans are waiting with a net or something, and it’s no prize for you.

Reepchip grinned at Ryramorl. Oh, you were captured that way, too?

Twice. the big Carnora growled, ears flat.

Commander Mayla Vree

Briefing Room, Ops Base One

Stardate 1901.28

Jahkar’s idea had the most merit. Putting the first encounter with the ARF in their control on their terms will allow them to work in the infiltration in a more believable way. It opens them up for recruitment into the cause.

But she originally had discarded the same idea to bait them as she didn’t want any innocent people injured in coordinating a terrorist attack. If they can control the extent of injuries and made sure no one was actually killed, it would be the most credible way to get into the ARF.

Mayla watched the ideas bounce back and forth across the table and absorbed everyone’s thought process; each one contributing in their own expertise. Admiral MacLeod and Lazarus also listened to everyone’s input and glanced at her to make her final decision.

I believe baiting the ARF to attack and capture who we can will allow Sh’avelith and I to infiltrate the group if we are part of the crowd.

She brought up several attacks on a map on the three-dimensional image hovering over the center of the table. Most of the targets have been rich with Starfleet personnel. We need to create a target that isn’t too obvious as a trap, but enticing enough for them to attack.

Railius raised a finger. On short notice, a visit by either a Federation dignitary or Starfleet brass might be hard to pass up. She looked over to Admiral MacLeod.

Mayla nodded. That is a very enticing target, one of us can impersonate one and have them on a chartered shuttle to Andoria Prime. She looked at her team, making a new list. Here’s what I propose. We need an advanced team to set up the target ahead of time. If Sh’avelith agrees I can pass as Andorian, I will accompany her infiltration. We need someone to be the bait. We need someone to accompany the bait as backup. And we need someone to research disabling the bombs.

Lt. Cody Beckett

Ops Base One briefing room

Stardate 1901.29

I’ll start investigating the explosive implants and a means to disable them Cody said.

Lieutenant Daryl Thompson

Lieutenant Ryramorl Ra’yral

Ensign Reepchip Charatetet

Ops Base One Briefing Room

Stardate 1901.29

Daryl liked the plan Jahkar came up with. I’m volunteering to act as the bait he said with a grin. It was an enticing thought to go back into action.

Ryramorl glanced at Daryl. Perhaps it would be wiser to have me as bait, he rumbled. I can handle myself if things go very wrong.

Reepchip chittered in disagreement. The terrorists would kill you outright, sir. You are too obviously dangerous to try and capture.

Daryl raised his eyebrows as the Carnora bristled at Reepchip. Then he grinned again. I volunteered. Not saying I am the only one who can do it...And I think Reepschip is right. You pose a big threat. You WILL be killed. he shot a glance back at the big Carnora, gauging his reaction.

Ryramorl bared his teeth slightly, but Reepchip chittered firmly. Show me a hunter who tries to capture a Yarrowan alive, and I will show you its next snack, he said, referring to the dreaded, 70-foot snake-like creatures who haunted the Deep Swamps just west of the Great Ring Sea. Not even the Sea Walkers would try such a thing, how much less would these terrorists try to capture you? Especially when you’d be wearing your battle armour?

Ryramorl nodded. Point taken, he rumbled.

Daryl nodded towards Reepchip. The small creature gave a slight bow back. Daryl didn’t know if that was a sign of acknowledgement or that the creature didn’t understand his nod. Obviously, the smaller Carnora had convinced the Big Cat. Daryl had to admit though, the Carnora would’ve attracted attention pretty fast when on Andoria. Maybe even too fast.

Reepchip looked at the others. Being as I can conceal myself better than most, I offer to be the backup.

Colonel Jahkar

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.03

Jahkar chimed in, My place should be on the ground, ready to act when the ARF operatives make their move. Whoever serves as bait will need to be protected. If you agree, commander?

He looked to Mayla, awaiting her decision.

This plan had its risks. Everyone on the ground would be in danger. The Andorian rebels were not hesitant to set off bombs in crowds. However, they also knew bombing innocent civilians could be damaging to their cause, so it was possible they would strike the Shadow Ops team more surgically -- perhaps in close combat.

Lieutenant Ryramorl Ra’yral

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.03

I should be by your side if I cannot be the bait, Ryramorl said to Jahkar with a grin. The likelihood of close combat... appealed to him.

Admiral Ian MacLeod

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.04

MacLeod looked around the table. They had their work cut out for them. The Scot turned his gaze to Commander Vree, So, are there any more questions? If not, I’ll leave you to plan your mission. I will give you all one word of careful with the coaxial drive on Resurrection.

The drive still has bugs that need to be worked out. In Federation space, travelling usual spacelanes, the chances of you making a successful jump are about 99 percent. Jump into a region of space where there anomalies, dark matter other unpredictable variables...the chances for the drive failing increase.

Lazarus cleared his throat, I’m clear on the drive and its limitations. We’ll be certain to use it with caution. However, at some point we have to get those bugs worked out and that means putting the drive to use.

MacLeod nodded, A warp drive that can instantly send the ship its deployed aboard to any charted location in the galaxy is an incredible thing. But just remember the previous tests of this drive have ended up with two ships destroyed—one warped into a star and the other into a planet.

Both failures the result of pilot-error, Lazarus said. One got too close to a gravity well, the other failed to account for a supernova in a nearby sector which threw off calculations.

Hence the need for caution, MacLeod said. That’s all I’m saying. I am grateful to Admiral Sorvek for getting us this ship and that coaxial drive, but I don’t like the fact the technology is still in development and testing.

MacLeod again scanned the group, Questions? Comments?