Shadow Operations: Resurrection
Season 2 Episode 5
Forming A Plan
Feb. 12, 2019

Lieutenant Ryramorl Ra’yral

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.04

Ryramorl raised his paw. What do we do if the zharin hides in a herd of horhganhar? he asked.

...I beg your pardon? asked Admiral MacLeod as the others the others looked puzzled at this non-sequitur.

Ryramorl realized his idiom was lost on the others—even on Reepchip! It’s a phrase that means things go very wrong, he explained. I think the human phrase is it all goes down the... crapper. He’d almost used a much cruder term for the toilet but managed to catch himself. What’s our backup plan?

Admiral Ian MacLeod

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.04

MacLeod gave a slight shrug and a boyish grin, We don’t have one, lieutenant. If infiltration fails, unless any of you have a better plan to bring forward, we’ll use force. We’ll locate the ARF command and beam in a heavily armed team, led by Phoenix Team.

Commander Mayla Vree

Briefing Room, Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.05

The admiral gave each one of them one last look with a tight lipped smile. The team’s designation will be Phoenix Team. The Resurrection’s designation will be Helios. You will provide Captain Lazarus intervaled status reports on his discretion. You depart in three hours. Dismissed.

The admiral left the briefing room to let them plan out the details for the mission.

I want a status report from each team every eight hours. Lazarus ordered. Each one of you will be injected with a isolinear tag that will travel throughout your body to avoid detection by any type of scanners. Commander Vree already has one in her. The rest of you will report to the infirmary after this meeting to get tagged. The Resurrection will keep a transporter lock on you wherever you go. Lazarus looked to Mayla to continue the meeting.

Alright, it’s settled then, Mayla said. Lieutenant Beckett will remain on board the Resurrection to investigate and research on how to disable the explosive implants.

Lieutenant Thompson will portray a Starfleet admiral on a diplomatic mission to inspect Andorian security on protecting Federation citizens in light of the increase in recent attacks.

Lieutenant Ra’yral will be Thompson’s adjunct/assistant. Make sure you look like one, and not a warrior.

Railius and Jahkar will be infiltrated into the crowd or somewhere at the location to provide Thompson and Ra’yral cover and back up.

Sh’avelith and I will pose as Andorian protesters at the location. Hopefully we will be noticed and approached to join the cause. Charatetet will shadow us and provide us with close quarters surveillance and back up. She looked over to the smallest member of the team and gave him a nod. His small size would come in very handy as he may not be as noticeable as a full sized person.

Preet will also remain on board ship and provide overwatch support by remote using Starfleet Intelligence’s stealth probes to cover the entire location. The new probes are an evolution of the original Shadow Operations nanoprobes, smaller, but with farther range, wider sensor net, higher resolution imaging, and a level 1 phaser. The phaser won’t kill anyone, but it will cause some damage. And it can also stun. The stealth AI in each one keeps itself as hidden as possible as it is ordered to move about. I’ve been using these for the past year. I want your plans of action before we arrive at Andoria Prime.

The team members grouped together to discuss the details of their specific parts of the overall plan. Mayla looked over to Sh’avelith and brought up a map of the Andorian capital as Charatetet crouched in the chair next to her. I think you and I should beam down to the planet before the rest of the team and create an independent incident before they bait the trap. That way we have a little bit of credibility before we spring the trap. It will also give the rest of the team time to set up their part of the plan.

The Andorian nodded. Agreed. Maybe a smaller target that won’t hurt too many people.

Mayla brought up the three-dimensional map of Andoria Prime. Do you have any suggestions?

Ensign Tiri Sh’avelith

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.05

Tiri was still a little in shock over the disclosure the mission would be taking place on her homeworld. From this point forward she decided everything she did would be as transparent as possible. She could not risk any of her actions being confused with having sympathies or alliances with this terrorist organization.

She loathed what the ARF stood for. She understood from where their politics originated, but she disagreed with them. Isolating Andoria from the rest of the galaxy so it could live in its little microcosm was not in the best interests of her people—but there were many who wanted it to be that way.

They were the ones who hated being part of a Federation of Planets. They hated off-worlders and they longed for a time when they could govern themselves. Her planet’s role in the Federation, as a founding member, was an example to billions of others across the galaxy.

Still, if things were south during this operation, she wanted everyone in Starfleet Intelligence to know it was not her fault. For that reason alone, she was glad she’d be working with Commander Vree.

Tiri listened to Vree and nodded. I assume we want to keep it in the heart of the capital city? Therefore, there are several targets of opportunity. Soft targets, ones not so heavily guarded. There’s a Federation science facility here, Tiri indicated a spot on the three-dimensional map.

Also, you can find a Starfleet communications center here, the Andoria pointed out another location.

Finally, there is a Vulcan Science Academy branch located here, on the campus of the university...where my mother works, Tiri startled herself for a moment. mother would not be happy if we did something there.

Her look of surprise then faded into something of a mischievous grin. Oh no, she certainly wouldn’t.

Lieutenant Ryramorl Ra’yral

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.05

Ryramorl’s ears twitched back at his assigned role, but he simply said very well. He’d hoped to wear his battle armour but he guessed that Mayla was trying to make him look less threatening so he wouldn’t be as big a target as Reepchip feared he would be.

He was briefly reminded of when Lieutenant Commander Rosen, who oversaw the dormitories at Starfleet Academy during Ryramorl’s last year there appointed him as a Resident Assistant and made him swear not to unduly intimidate his dormmates when carrying out his duties. You’re intimidating enough as it is, she had told Ryramorl.

He rubbed a tusk thoughtfully. Maybe you could raise a stink about the Federation failing to keep a notorious criminal from selling narcotics on Salarr IV, and that’s why Andoria should leave. He shrugged. Apparently Ronjaro juice, which is a common drink amongst Carnora, has strange effects on humans. Talsyn didn’t know this—hell, nobody knew this—and he was selling it on Salarr IV. He looked over at the others who’d dealt with the mess on Vajorek Colony years ago. Yes. That Talsyn. He’s a very different person than he was back then, but still... his reputation remains.

Ensign Reepchip Charatetet

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.05

Reepchip thought about his assigned role—and realized that, even if he was unable to see much through everyone else’s legs, he’d have no problem tracking Sh’’avelith and Vree through scent and sound. If he was able to climb something, even better. Suddenly he had a thought. Does this... i-so-lin-ar tag do anything to the body itself? He knew that certain injections the Federation had did strange things to Carnora physiology, and during Ryramorl’s time at the academy, Starfleet was loaned many, MANY scrolls on Carnora medicine as Ryramorl was of an unfamiliar species.

Lt. Daryl Thompson

Lt. Ryramorl Ray’ral

Ops Base One Briefing Room

Stardate 1902.05

Daryl looked towards the huge cat-like creature. Ryramorl looked back and sighed. So, what’s your plan, Admiral Thompson He asked Daryl.

Daryl smiled I could get used to being addressed like that. His smile disappeared as the Carnora grinned at him, not a friendly grin at all. Hey, I’m not the enemy Daryl said, raising both his hands.

Which is why I’ll be... relatively gentle when I teach you what my kind do with those who claim titles they haven’t earned. Those who knew Ryramorl well, though, would know the bristling was exaggerated and the big Olvern was only joking.

Daryl raised his eyebrow. I don’t claim anything at all. I do have to get my act right, though. And so should you. As an adjunct to an admiral, you do have certain privileges and freedom. I guess we should put that to good use. However, we have to be careful not to blow our cover. I am as much as an admiral as you are an adjunct, so let’s make sure we are convincing in our act

Very well, said Ryramorl. So, what did you have in mind?

Daryl sat back. I guess the admiral can give us a few hints how to behave and whatnot. I checked the mission briefing logs quickly and saw that the appointment itself has already been arranged. We are to meet a delegation of Andorian military officers to discuss the matter of the ARF. I will be Admiral Daren Bridwell. You are my adjunct...

Ryramorl saw his quizzical face and supplied a name. Rygaran D’hronarin. At the look of recognition, he saw in the faces of others, he continued. It may help that he really did serve alongside Starfleet years ago.

Rygaran D’hronarin, agreed Daryl. Furthermore, I guess it’s listening a lot and here and there ask questions, mainly about how they claim Federation citizen security.

Commander T’Aayla Raillius

Colonel Jahkar

Briefing Room, Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.09

T’Aayla made quick eye contact with Colonel Jahkar when Commander Vree read out their assignments. The two had worked before, ten years ago, and when she was Commander Jamie T. Marcus. She hadn’t discussed her new name with him, and Jahkar hadn’t asked, probably out of politeness, but she thought it safe to assume he knew.

After the briefing, the Colonel walked over to her location as she was pulling her notes together. So...backup.

She smiled, Yes. Backup. She could tell that the combat oriented Jahkar would have liked nothing better than to be in the thick of it, and she remembered his efficiency at killing people from her past experiences. We can’t be a part of the vanguard all the time. His typical Klingon scowl made her smile. But I think there is a good chance, we’ll all have blood on our hands before this is over.

I’ve probably already had my share, but... I’m not retired yet.

No, no, you’re not. She looked around at the buzz of conversation. It’s too noisy in here, why don’t you meet me in my quarters in a half hour? We’ll talk tactics there.

Agreed. Half hour. The marine turned and exited the room.

Jamie/T’Aayla smiled. Classic Jahkar.

Commander T’Aayla Railius

Colonel Jahkar

Private Quarters, Ops Base

Stardate 1902.09

Come, T’Aayla responded to the sound of her door chime precisely one half hour after she had left the Colonel. The door opened revealing Jahkar. Come in, she beckoned to a table that where she had recently replicated a mug of blood wine and a bottle of Romulan ale. The sight of the table’s contents forced a smile out of the Colonel. Not the good stuff, she announced with a shrug, but it’s hard to get anything else on this forsaken rock.

The door closed behind Jahkar and he approached the table. His place had both a blood wine as well as a Romulan ale. It was only when he got closer that he saw the small replicated bottle of Tennessee Jack Daniel’s whiskey next to T’Aayla’s Romulan ale.

The two looked at each other for several seconds. I had ... suspected, but...

It’s okay Jahkar, Jamie responded. It’s been ten years since we served together on Avenger, and ... I do look a bit different.

Well the ears are an improvement he offered.

I guess we’re both hybrids now.

A Romulan-Human, and a Klingon-Romulan. We sound like actors in an early 21st century commercial, Jahkar quipped.

Yes. Jamie allowed herself to relax her tight exterior. She reached out and grasped his hand firmly, It IS good to serve with you again, my friend.

As I with you Commander. I did not believe what I heard from your post-mortem court-martial; you must have a story to tell.

Jamie’s eyes glazed with a haunted look for a second, and she stiffened. Jahkar noticed, and he allowed a look of sympathy to show. That... is a story for when we are not restricted to drinking replicated synthehol with no chemical effects, she said lightly and seriously at the same time.

Does Admiral Sortha know?

No. Outside of Admiral MacLeod, you and our large Carnoran friend, the rest of the Universe believes Jamie Marcus is dead. family on ch’Rihan knows...


T’Aayla smiled, Yes, I have quite the family. I belong to an Imperial house now.

Realization dawned on Jahkar as he connected her last name with the Imperial Raillius name. House Raillius? Raillius.

Yes. T’Aayla stated, allowing some Rihansuu pride to show through.

Captain...Admiral...Senator Raillius was the greatest tactician the Romulan Empire produced in our lifetime, .. in the past several hundred years at least... his last Battle at Jarnassis IV...

I was there, she smiled. On the bridge of the RIS Talon, running he Tactical station.

Fuck me! Jahkar exclaimed in surprise.

This time she laughed out loud, Yes, it’s been an eventful past ten years. Come, sit. After several glasses, and briefly catching up on Jahkar’s past ten years.

Jahkar finished another glass of Romulan Ale. He preferred Klingon alcohol, but Romulan Ale was good to have, in moderation.

My children are grown. They have set off on their own paths. Tajel is in his senior year at Starfleet Academy. He is gifted in engineering it would seem. Kedanya enlisted in the Bajoran military and serves there as a corporal. She’s quite the warrior.

He looked to Rallius, I have been serving in the corps on Earth mostly. Training cadets. They dust me off and send me out on missions from time to time...mostly sniping and overwatch. It feels good to be back in the field.

Jahkar poured another glass of ale. Any thoughts on the mission?

It seems to me that anyone attempting an attack on Thompson and Ra’yral would expect some undercover backup.

Agreed. Jahkar stated. We can choose to be obvious, which would make us targets, or we can blend in and only respond when the attack happens.

They could as easily decide to use a sniper attack, or explosive device as choose to kidnap them. This is a risky mission; the terrorists actions depend on the personality of their leader. Will they benefit from a precision kill, impressive in its own right, a messy and gruesome explosion and mass casualty event, or a catch and grab.

The sniper and the bomb would be the lowest risk options, Jahkar concluded.

In which case we bury Thompson and Ra’yral with honors in the cold of space.

Or the terrorist commander wants them as bargaining chips.

Yes, in which case we need to prevent it, yet allow for Commander Vree and Shavelith to intervene.

We’re going to have to be good shots, Jahkar observed.

Exactly, especially since there will possibly be civilians around.

Civilians... I hate civilians in the way.

There is another possibility. The enemy makes us and decides to skip the high value target and take us instead.


I give that a lower probability than simply trying to take us out, or going after Thompson.

What do you think the odds are?

I give it 50-50 the terrorists try a kidnap. There are too many variables.

Damn. But we are kinda in a hard place- we don’t have any leads at all.

I know. And Thompson knows. He’s doing his job.

The two continued discussing options, cover clothing, weapons, and contingency planning. After an hour, they’d covered all the bases possible.

One more thing, Jamie stated...

What’s that?

We’d better brush up on our Andorian anatomy. We don’t want to kill every attacker, and we may have to shoot to wound.

Good point. I’m trained to snipe to the head and shoot to center mass the Colonel acknowledged.

Well.... Good night. Jamie offered her hand again.

Jahkar took it. Jamie now represented a part of himself that he despised. Romulan. The same people who had been responsible for his birth, but also the people who had essentially raped his mother to produce him. But he knew Jamie had likely suffered something as bad as anything in his past, so she remained Jamie T. Marcus to him.

After Jahkar had left, T’Aayla sat down at her computer. Computer, show me detailed physiology and anatomical structure for Andorians... and for Trills.

Lt. Ryramorl Ray’ral

Ensign Reepchip Charatetet

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.10

After the briefing, Ryramorl and Reepchip returned to their room. Ryramorl requisitioned a uniform for an adjunct, then went to groom himself carefully in preparation for his role.

Meanwhile, Reepchip studied Andorian architecture to see how he could get around unseen. I wonder how we’re going to bring these terrorists in alive, sighed Reepchip. What if these micro-explosives are set off by phaser fire? He glanced over at the PADD that Admiral MacLeod had given him.

Ryramorl thought for a moment. How good are you with a blow gun?

I’ve done it for sport a few times at taverns, but I’m no champion. I did bring my pipe and darts along to keep up practice, though.

The Special Forces have used them from time to time. Look up Andorian drugs. Especially sedatives. He raised an eyebrow at Reepchip’s skeptical looks. Don’t be surprised. Blowdarts are effective and they don’t have an energy signal to trace.

Don’t forget Andorians have an exoskeleton, pointed out Reepchip.

A limited one, which means you’ll have to aim carefully.

With all due respect... they don’t use needles at all in their medicine. I’ll bring my darts, but I don’t think they’ll be much use.

The two Carnoras continued prepping themselves for their upcoming mission.

Lt. Cody Beckett

Ops Base One, Shadow Ops deck

Stardate 1902.11

After the briefing, Cody went straight to the deck where Shadow Operations resided, and he entered the Ops center. He needed some Computer power for his search queries. Since they had a few hours before they would leave, Cody could use all the time he had to get a good starting point.

During the briefing, his portable AI had gathered some input parameters, which resulted in a huge load of data. Now Cody needed to refine the searches to find out, or at least get an idea which devices were used. Then the real fun could begin: figuring out how to disarm or disable the devices without damage to the person it carried.

Ops Base One

Stardate 1902.11

In the course of Beckett’s examination of the data collected on the explosive devices, he made a discovery. The explosive itself was a microscopic charge of a zanturium, a powerful explosive that is difficult to detonate. Zanturium was a popular explosive used by criminal organizations, especially those operating in the underworld on Risa.

Upon further examination of the charge, there was no visible detonator.

Beckett went over all of the scans taken of deceased members of this conspiratorial group, forwarded to them by Starfleet Intelligence. As he studied the findings, he came across something in one of the scans. There was another object in the blood stream of the dead terrorist—an ARF member who died in fighting in recent days.

The object in the blood stream was a nanite. A very tiny, yet very capable nanite. This nanite could serve many practical uses—including to act as a detonator. Nanites could be controlled remotely, they could also be programmed to perform certain actions.

Regardless, they would not be able to determine much more about the mysterious nanite unless they were to physically obtain one.